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Reconfiguring Territories

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Spring School 2021
→ Весенняя Школа 2021
→ Kevadkool 2021
→ Kevätkoulu 2021


The main aim of this workshop at the Reconfiguring Territories Spring School was very simple: to feed ourselves and the whole group. The workshop used this necessity as an excuse to explore the participants’ as well as local habits and preferences that start with food and dining but tell a lot about class, cultural backgrounds, feelings of home and political inclinations. Let us carefully scavenge our surroundings for matters to bring to the table: radishes and cucumbers from the supermarket and a local dacha; eggs from a nearby farm; sakuski and toasts; lunch offers; Turkish pizza and Chinese takeout; undervalued grandma pastries from around the corner; overpriced puree soups from the university cafeteria; basement shops and banquet halls; strange jars in cyrillic with surprisingly familiar contents. Let us try to trace meanings, feelings and causes within every bite.

The symbolic title of the workshop is borrowed from the Russian language via sociologist Alexei Yurchak’s book “Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More” (2005), which highlights modes of (mostly kitchen-related) communality inherent to slavic values and the Soviet socialist order (albeit in problematic manifestations). The workshop created an ongoing, open-ended obshchenie – “both a process and a sociality that emerges in that process, and both an exchange of ideas and information as well as a space of affect and togetherness” – to get a better taste of the legacy of these values and history within the local context, and how we (as an international group of progressively disposed designers residing in Narva for a week) relate to them ourselves. 

Participants of the workshop were encouraged to contribute with recipes and ideas for “setting the table” to prompt discussion among the group during dining times. 

Image for Maria Muuk's Reconfiguring Territories Spring School 2021 Workshop: Obshchenie. The entrance and menu of a culinary shop slash beer bar in Kreenholm, Narva, 2020
The entrance and menu of a culinary shop slash beer bar in Kreenholm, Narva, 2020
Quotes from Yurchak’s book “Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More”
Quotes from Yurchak’s book “Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More”

Setting the table

During the Spring School 2021 presentations the Obshchenie group set a table for a common lunch moment, which reflected the topics that the group had worked with during the spring school week.

Spring School Mentors
→ Весенняя Школа
→ Kevadkool
→ Kevätkoulun mentorit

Maria Muuk

Maria Muuk
Maria Muuk is a graphic designer and writer based in Tallinn, Estonia, whose main research interest is food. By thinking and making through the lens of food, she explores its semiotic, cultural and affective meanings, as well as ways in which food can be used to facilitate change, find commonalities and digest problematics.

(Re)configuring Territories Talks
→ Доклады на (Пере)осмыслении территорий
→ (Re)configuring Territories vestlusring
→ (Re)configuring Territories -keskustelut

(Re)configuring Territories Talk: Feminist Fairytales, Parties and Eating Together as Spatial Practices

(Re)configuring Territories Talk: Feminist Fairytales, Parties and Eating Together as Spatial Practices
Could fiction and eating dinner together be seen as ways to question the conventional methods of spatial and design practices? Can these careful methods create a more resilient and discursive architecture and design culture? In the talk, the art & architecture group MYCKET (Mariana Alves Silva, Katarina Bonnevier, and Thérèse Kristiansson), graphic designer/writer/baker Maria Muuk and curator Kaisa Karvinen investigate strategies in each of their practices and dream about possible roles of architects and designers in the neighborhoods of current society. The talk starts with a short reading. In the talk, the art & architecture group MYCKET (Mariana Alves Silva, Katarina Bonnevier, and Thérèse Kristiansson), graphic designer/writer/baker Maria Muuk and curator Kaisa Karvinen investigate strategies in each of their practices and dream about possible roles of architects and designers in the neighborhoods of current society. The talk starts with a short reading.