Festival of Invitations
The concluding event of (Re)configuring Territories research programme
With Kirill Adõlin, Rael Artel, Kreenholm Plants, Laura Kuusk, Polina Medvedeva, Filipa Pontes, Nadya Tjuška
opening of the exhibition by Andréa Stanislav and varialambo and more!
Narva Museum Art Gallery and Narva Art Residency
We are organizing a festival at Narva Art Residency. The festival is called Festival of Invitations, and it consists of lectures, discussions, workshops and a celebratory dinner at the Narva Art Residency and its surroundings. The event also celebrates the opening of an exhibition by varialambo and Andréa Stanislav.
The event starts on Saturday with a seminar on the 29th of October and continues on a Sunday morning with workshops and performances. The festival is free of charge and is translated in both English and Russian.
This event is the concluding part of four-year (Re)configuring Territories research project, and we hope that it will bring together both those who have participated in the project in the previous years and those who have not yet become familiar with it. During the last four years, we have been able to spend time in Narva, thinking about issues related to its future and the Baltic Sea region, together with local residents, artists and researchers from many different fields. For us this festival is a way to share the thoughts, poems, videos, conflicts between worldviews and ways of being together we have developed and got to know during this time.
Festival Programme:

Saturday October 29, 2022
14:00 PART I Introduction to (Re)configuring Territories
Kaisa Karvinen, Duha Elsayed and Johanna Rannula
15:00 PART II Energy Narratives and Possibilities of Living Together
Laura Kuusk and Tommi Vasko
Short break and snacks ~ 15 minutes
16:00 PART III Local histories
Rael Artel: Life or Karma – Stories of Narva
Polina Medvedeva: talk and movie on Narva
We will move to Narva Art Residency at this point
18:30 Exhibition Opening of Andréa Stanislav and varialambo
20:00 PART IV Dinner preparations: How to Do Research by Sharing Life?
Tommi Vasko and Jana Levitina
21:00 Dinner. Concert by an Estonian musician, multi-instrumentalist and composer Kirill Adõlin.
22:00 -> More music
Sunday October 30, 2022
11:00 Brunch at the Residency
How to share intimate experiences and unfinished thoughts?
Snacks, books and bookbinding
12:00 Filipa Pontes – Abstract Portraits: Defying Representation
13:00 Kreenholm Plants: Collective reflections on unintentionally roaming garden
14:00 – 17:00 Performative on-site poetic protest action with Laura Kuusk and Nadya Tjuška. Concluding remarks with Kaisa Karvinen and Tommi Vasko.
It would be great if you could join the festival!
Register to the festival here:
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