(Re)configuring Territories: Spring School 2021 presentations in Narva
June 5th, 2021
@ Narva Art Residency and online
A week-long intensive Spring School culminated with a hybrid public event where the participants of the three workshops shared glimpses of their processes and findings.
The public event started online with Charming Perspectives where participants of the Trollperception in the Heartlands workshop presented some of the <<charms>> they worked with during the week. The group also made an exhibition of the <<charms>> to the (Re)configuring Territories instagram feed.
The event continued with the Archaeology of Postsocialist Narva tour by the Post-Brokenness workshop group. The cycling tour began at the Narva Art Residency and went around Narva where the participants presented objects, installations and public spaces as speculative archeological findings thirty years in the future.
After the tour the event continued with a common lunch moment, which reflected the topics that the Obschenie group had worked with during the spring school week.
The event ended with a tour to Kreenholm factory area where Sandra Kosorotova presented her project The Garden of Death.
Spring School Workshops
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