Ann Mirjam Vaikla (b. 1990, Tallinn) was the director of Narva Art Residency (NART) 2017–2021. She is an alumni of the Norwegian Theatre Academy (Norway) and Novia University of Applied Sciences (Finland). Based in Tallinn and Narva, her practice lies in the intersection of performing and visual arts. She is currently a CEC ArtsLink International Fellow and enrolled at the long-term residency programme of Triangle Arts Association (NYC) and Grand Central Art Center (CA) wherein she is researching the role and potential of ‘social sculpture’ as an intertwinement of one’s’ artistic vision in dialogue with community engagement. In her research she is drawing inspiration from her experience of leading, since 2017, NART – working mostly on curatorial projects in the field of contemporary arts focused on collaborative and collective art practices that includes community involvement. She is one of the commissioned artists for the VII Artishok Biennial (Kai Art Center, Tallinn) wherein she is working on a generational story of growing up in the midst of Soviet relics as a response to a curatorial proposal “Copy”.