Andra Aaloe is a freelancer from Tallinn, Estonia, working across several fields from fine and performing arts to curatorial and educational practices.
Andra hosted a ‘Post-Brokenness’ workshop together with Francisco Martínez in the (Re)configuring Territories Spring School 2021.
Spring School 2021
→ Весенняя Школа 2021
→ Kevadkool 2021
→ Kevätkoulu 2021
Andra Aaloe and Francisco Martínez will host the workshop ‘Post-Brokenness’ in the (Re)configuring Territories Spring School taking place in Narva (May–June 2021). Selected participants will study how personal and collective relationships are sustained in relation to the maintenance and repair of the surrounding environment, opening up a wide range of questions about care-taking, sustainability and the fragility of the worlds we inhabit.